Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Ortiz family is expanding!!

We are so excited to find out that we will be expanding our family this year. On January 24th I took a home pregnancy test and by some small miracle, i got a very faint positive result!!! I was not sure if i was convincing myself I was seeing a line or if it was truly positive so I went and bought a digital test, took it and got the beautiful word "PREGNANT"!! It is amazing to me that we even got the positive result as I was only 3 weeks and 2 days at this point in time.  Personally I think I got the positive result because it was my Grandma Dot's birthday and this was her way of being a part of this baby.

Yay!! It says PREGNANT!!!

When Jorge got home I told him, Mia and I have a surprise for you!! We had him close his eyes and hold out his hands. Into his hands I put the test.  When he opened his eyes he said "Are you serious!! Are you sure!!" We were so excited!!!  After we had our exciting moments we decided to tell our family.  I took a picture of Mia and sent a text message that said "this little girl..." followed by a second text message of the pregnancy test saying "is going to be a big sister!!"  Everyone was very excited!!

On Valentines Day I went in for a confirmation ultrasound, there on the screen was our little Poppy Seed with a beautiful beating heart, we were able to hear the heartbeat which was beating at 125 beats per minute.

6 weeks and 2 days

Then on February 22nd, we had our first official OB appointment.  Again we had an ultrasound and saw Poppy Seed once more, it had grown int he week since the last ultrasound and its perfect little heart was beating at 158 beats per minute, it was such a beautiful sound!!!  So we are due on October 8th 2011 however we will be having a baby in September due to my diabetes.  We cannot wait to meet this little boy/girl when he/she decides to arrive. And I still cant believe my little Mia is going to be a big sister!!

                                                              7 weeks and 3 days

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